I seem to be struggling with lighting, I can’t get it to look good at all. I have looked at tutorials on YouTube but none of them are really helping me… As you can see in the image the lighting looks terrible, I’m trying to get it so there are no shadows in the corners or in the building in general. The only shadows will be from the props etc when they’re placed inside. Is there any tips/help anyone can give me?
In the part properties (Walls and ceiling) try to disable CastShadow
It will look like this :
Do not disable the props castshadows
This just makes it look really bad, I also still want it to look realistic. But like you can see in the old image it does not look good at all as there is the odd shadow in the middle of the room and in the corners.
So just to clarify, you want it to look like only the props are casting shadows, with the room being lit enough to see? Also, what do you mean by “realistic?”
This is probably caused by the sunlight. As it is a closed interior, try adding a thick part on top of the building and make sure it has CastShadow on.
This is for a roleplay game, so i can’t just have a floating part above a building.
I just want it to be like every other game. Where the inside of the building is perfectly lit up, this is for a roleplay game. So I just need it to look normal hence me saying i want it to be realistic
You can try adjust the global lighting brightness as found in the Lighting service, this will allow you to darken or brighten a scene. (Use local scripts to vary lighting conditions as the player enters different areas as needed) Additionally, Color Correction Effects (which can be added into the Camera Instance inside of the Workspace) can create more pronounced artificial darkness and brightness as well.
Figured it out. Thanks to anyone that may have suggested anything!
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