Lighting not dark when a low graphics level is applied, How do I fix? (Changed)

– Thank you all for your replies! however I feel as it I should just swap back to shadow map lighting, future just causes too many problems for me and i’m sorry if I wasted your time :c

Hello!, I have been trying to make a horror game. And future came out at a perfect time for me, however the when a low graphics level is applied the game doesn’t look as scary or as dark, it lights up a lot:

High graphics

Low Graphics

I have tried checking the players graphics quality to change the darkness but i’m lost in that.

Any help or ideas??

Usually some lighting effects are lowed down or removed when a player has low graphics. You can maybe try with color correction effect, wich is not really affected when a player low down it’s graphics, or with game.Lighting properties.

*Using color correction.

*Hope this helps :slight_smile:

You can create 2 options upon joining the game, a low graphics option and a high graphics option.
Upon choosing the low graphics option, rather than environmental lighting, a colour correction effect would be applied instead.
Upon choosing high graphics, youd get the normal game.