Lighting not loading from far distances[cant be Solved]

Hello, I got an issue with the lighting of my game it doesn’t load from far distances:

I know that its normal and that its a thing that roblox does to limit the lags but the problem is that I need it to be possible to see the lights from far distances
all I want is to know if there is a way to fix it.

Check out this page

(Why is the lighting not loading far away? How do I fix it?)

in the other topic he wanted to make dark appear from far distances me I want to make light of the lighting sources added by me (PointLights,SpotLights…) appear from far distances.

I believe it may be due to graphics quality. Not overly sure though

My graphic quality is set to maximum

It may be because of the range of the light you used? If not Im not sure.

No its not the range the lights just dont show up from far distances

after having done some research I am starting to think that there is no way to fix this issue because I dont think that we can change roblox’s lights draw distance, every time getting far from a light source by 100 studs it just disappears.

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