Lighting ridiculously dark during specific hours of the day

hello all! me and a friend are trying to add a time cycle to a game, but we’ve ran into a problem … the game becomes incredibly dark (almost as if there was no natural light at all) between two sets of hours, these being roughly between 4.6 and 5, and 19 and 19.5, we have no clue why this happens… here’s a few pictures of it with the clocktimes included

does anyone know if it could be possible to solve this issue via scripting? or maybe if there’s another alternative non-scripting related way to solve this issue? many thanks!!!

whats your lighting type is it shadowmap, future or etc?

Your ExposureCompensation seems pretty low. That property directly determines how much influence lighting has in your world.

Change that to 0 or adjust it a bit higher to your liking.

Also, mess around with Ambience or OutdoorAmbience, or Brightness to your desire.

You might also want to add a ColorCorrection effect to your Lighting too.

Uses future lighting

Keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes keystrokes