Lighting Shadow Don't Work Bug

so i made a script that use roblox lights to make some shadows but when i layered the lights the shadow on other lights don’t work so like 5 pointlights put inside the part and one of them work even tho all of them are shadow enabled and the rest don’t work like in this image

and this is how is supposed to be :

Screenshot 2023-11-12 100900

if u think there another way to fix this please let me know


First wrong category belongs in #help-and-feedback:building-support and second try using multiple part for each of the point lights?

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so i just did now and same result and i think this is a bug did i put it right? the bug forum can’t let me post so i post that says bug


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If it is a bug then you should contact @Bug-Support team and issue a bug report.

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what so i say to them? im still new on this website i didn’t know this exist

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(How to post a Bug Report) See this.

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i did what it said but idk where he mean by the homepage and there’s the bug report but i didn’t see the button at the homepage

Wait… Oh yea sorry, basically send them a dm about the issue in the format in the link I sent.

ohh did they remove the button cuz that will be most useful instead of talking to them

Nope its trust. There are 5 trust levels: Visitor, Member, Regular, Editor, Leader

Visitor: A newbie needs 4 hours of read time to rank up.
Member: Can post, reply, send dm etc. Used to be able to rank up via post approval OR if you send some very good bug reports to @Bug-Support they just may make you a regular.
Regular: Has access to #lounge can create bug-reports and feature-requests.
Editor: Can edit posts.
Leader: Can do everything. Mostly roblox staff have this.

oh thanks man i’ll try if they going to respond at my bug

Why do you need more than 1 PointLight in the Part?

Are every one of the PointLights set for Shadows enabled?

Do the 2 Parts have CastShadow enabled?

its because it more realistic that 1 light only the comparison is in the top .

yes each of them are shadow enabled.

yes both of them.

if the shadow work it will u will see the difference and it will be more cinematic if u want more examples of the light tell me and what color or brightness

I’m not sure you mean by ‘it will be more cinematic’.
Can’t you just use 1 Neon Sphere to show the light source, then use 1 PointLight in it?
What do the two Scripts do in the Spheres?

1 other one is nothing the 1 is for creating the light and enabling it or turning it on

this what’s inside of it

local ez = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.EzScriptX) 
local part = workspace:WaitForChild("Sphere")

local lighttest = ez.CreateLight(5,"PointLight",part,2,50,60,true,, 1, 0.43137254901960786))


and that module im making that im surely be using in my future games so i make a module that everything i need

Why not just manually put a PointLight in the Sphere?

Are you sure your module is referencing Shadows to true?
Select the PointLights in test mode and look at the Shadows property to make sure its true.

no no its hard to explain but why do u need to know? not being rude just asking