Lighting system not working

Hello people! Today, I wanted to tell you that I am having this bug where when I’m designing in Roblox Studio it’s normally dark but when I test play the game it turns bright, I want the game to stick to the dark theme but when I test play it wouldn’t work at all.

Here is a short clip on what happened:

Here are the photos for it too:

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That’s strange. Do you perhaps have any scripts in the game that are affecting the time?

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I’m 100% sure that all the scripts are correctly typed and I inserted no free models so everything was made by myself. I’m not really sure why it’s doing this.

Can you show me your lighting settings?

For this problem, I would look through two main things first. You can check your scripts if they change the TimeOfDay property. If not, try to check if any plug-ins are affecting your time settings, too.

And @EggYolked, you will see his settings if you download the video on the first post.

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We need to see the lighting settings in the Property pane after you hit play. Maybe do a Find All… in your scripts for references to Lighting and see what code might be changing the brightness, ClockTime, TimeOfDay, Ambient, OutdoorAmbient, etc…

Are you using this plugin? Rain Module + Plugin

That plugin doesn’t change lighting settings, so I doubt it being the problem here (if he has it installed).


Oh right, thanks.

Even if you made everything yourself, you should know what you’re doing to the game. Therefore you may of added assets which are changing the lighting. Changes can’t be made if there’s no scripts. You’ll need to search in your game for any scripts which index into game.Lighting which you can get into by clicking this: image which is located in View in studio. You can use that to search for scripts in your game which uses lighting by putting game.Lighting into the search bar. You can try to locate and cancel out the possible options to what could be modifying your lighting.


I’ll give you guys more proof by putting out explorer and properties also the scripts, I’m sure I haven’t used a plugin with the rain because I used the Particle Emitter but for now I will give you people the proof, the video will be longer as I will show you in 5 mins.

Regardless, check FindResults please. You may find your problem easier.

Here are the videos!

You’re not doing what I’ve asked. Please try the following: View>FindResults>Search in the bar game.Lighting and search.

Look in those results and see if there’s any scripts which contain game.Lighting and look to where it actually changes the Ambient and etc.

Yes, if you download the video, you will see for a moment of a glimpse of his lighting settings. Please try to watch the whole video to spot it, if possible.

I watch the whole clip. The property panel goes blank at 12:23 and remains that way until the end. So we only see the authoring-time settings. I want to see the Lighting properties with Play Solo running, so we see what’s going on at run time.

Thanks I will go and check later! :slight_smile:

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This is the result so far.!

Something I experienced awhile back was a rogue plugin. Double check your plugins, try uninstalling them one-at-a-time and find the one causing the issue. If it is a plugin issue, you’ll know. I fixed my problem when I switched to my new PC. As plugins are loaded on your device, they can be easily removed.

Absolutely helpful! I don’t even get why I could not realise about the graphic plugin, thank you! It works.