Lighting tweening plugin - What is it, How to use

This post is a resource on how to use my lighting module as well as what it is

This is a way of making changing, or tweening your lighting in your game easier.
The model and plugin can create folders with all the lighting settings, and can tween/change it based on a folder with lighting settings

=How to use=

Make a new folder using the plugin.
You now have a folder with all the current settings in your lighting.
You can select the folder and then click on change lighting if you want to set your current lighting to the settings inside the folder
You can also use that folder in your game using the module, wich has 2 functions:

  • .create(parent,name) wich creates a folder with all the settings inside lighting
  • .update(folder,TweenInfo) wich tweens the lighting to the settings in the provided folder

thats all now see ya ill be around here selling guitars for cheap