Lightning Changing

Hi! i hope you all are good,

i am trying to make my very first detailed game, and so on, id like to make it so when players steps on certain floors the lightning ambient changes Only for them. Being more exactly, i want that when i step on a specific brick, the fog changes its color from white to black.

And that’s all for now. Thanks!

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is the fog a particleemitter or what?

its part of the lightning ambient

can you show me which lighting setting that is? (e.g. colorcorrection, atmosphere, etc.)

Here have a look at my game i made for you (you can edit it in studio) Environment Changer - Roblox

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Feels like a localscript and a RemoteEvent would be able to handle this assuming you’re wanting the fog to change for everyone.

If you only want these effects to happen for one person, only use a localscript.

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and how to trigger the script? what i need to use? (im still a very noob at studio sorry)

Once your localscript is done with it’s side of things, fire the RemoteEvent and have that regular script listen for that event.

Making it a client script would crash the game making it local would be better since it won’t cause an issues

How exactly would it crash the game?
If there’s something obvious I’m missing, tell me.