Hi, I want to make weather in my game and I’ve been stuck on how to make a good lightning flicker effect. I know about the Lighting’s brightness stuff and other properties to do this, but I’ve been stuck on making a good flicker
effect. In real life, when lightning strikes, the light starts out bright. When it flickers, it slowly turns dimmer and also flickers slower. How would I do this? Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
Hey BlueBloxBlast! Regarding such, have you tried connecting the lighting to a remote event then getting receiving the event, after such have u tried looping the spot lights enabled status?
To create a flickering effect for the lightning, randomly vary the brightness between two variables, min
and max
, throughout the lightning’s duration. If you tween both min
and max
to 0, the flickering will gradually decrease in intensity and eventually stop when it’s no longer visible.
I assume you’re gonna use a Pointlight
to create the lighting flicker, in which you would manipulate the property Brightness
to achieve this.
This is how I would do it:
local light = script.Parent.PointLight -- refrence your light here
-- put this function in the event where the lightning strikes
local function strike()
local AmountOfLightRepeating = 0
while true do
light.Brightness = 20
light.Brightness = 1
light.Brightness = 20
AmountOfLightRepeating += 1
if AmountOfLightRepeating == 2 then
for i = 20 , 0, -1 do -- use for i loop to do a smooth transition, you can use tween service instead if you like.
light.Brightness = i
-- put this function on your lighting event
So i made a better flicker effect with rng to decide if the light should flicker or not.
local light = script.Parent.PointLight --Or any other type of light just change it to yours.
while task.wait(.25) do
local rng = math.random(1, 5)
if rng <= 3 then
light.Brightness = 8
light.Brightness = 0
By the way i cant recommend using while true do since its very laggy!
The loop only runs 2 times so I’d say its negligible.
I dont think so, since im almost sure he would use it in more than 1 light… That would maybe result in a minimum performance issue BUT STILL! while.true do is very stinky i suggest using while.task.wait() for better perfomance.
Try using this script using lerp inside a light instance:
local Light = script.Parent
local LightMax = 3
local CoolDown = 3
local function Flick()
local function Lerp(a,b,t)
return (a + (b - a) * t)
local RandomBrightness = math.random(1,LightMax)
for Index = .01, .1, .1 do
Light.Brightness = Lerp(LightMax,RandomBrightness,CoolDown)