Lights light up the place irregularly/not how they are expected to look

This problem makes no sense. I have surfacelights on the bottom of a few parts, and the light emitted is not what I want at all. On this side, the light is on the sides of the parts as I want them to look…

…while here there is little to no reflection on the sides of the parts I have.

after moving the part around and resizing i get this, which shows the problem i have:

The light looks light it just gets cut off for no reason. What the hell? Why does one side seem to be lit up less than the other with the same surfacelight? Does anyone know how to fix this?
I am using Futurelighting and my editor quality is maxxed at level 21, if that helps.


this should probably be on #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback , as for your question, it is probably be either the lighting engine you are using, or a setting you forgot to toggle, i do not dabble in lighting a lot but when i do and it comes out looking badly those are the first two things I check, toggle settings on/off and see if that makes a difference, then if that doesnt work, try to change the lighting engine to something different, even if it radically effects the scene, just to see if its a glitch with the engine, if it is, i would suggest filing a bug report or attempting to research more about this problem.

TLDR: turn things on and off to see if this is a skill issue or just a bug.

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Tried turning on and off every box and modifying every value to no avail. also should i delete the post from here and post it in #help-and-feedback ?


I think theres a way to move it to a different category, so you dont have to do that.
Try to reposition your lights, roblox is really iffy sometimes with stuff like this, and all it might need is just a little nudge in a different direction

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moving it around changes nothing, the light still cuts off. after a bit of experimenting with rotation i discovered that the light is cut off in only that one direction. if i rotate the part and change the face the surfacelight is on, the same area stays dark. and i might delete the topic from this category in a few minutes and repost it in #help-and-feedback because i dont think there is a way to move topics into different categoreies


If you press the pencil (one near the title) where it says “development Discussion” press that and change it to #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback.

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Had no clue that was possible, thank you for making this a bit easier


I wish i could be helpful i genuinely have no clue at this point, sorry.

Happy to help!

I’ve ended up making the parts with the surfacelight the size of the entire space i need lit up, making them transparent, and then placing placebo parts with neon material in places that aesthetically make sense. Thanks again to everyone who tried helping, let’s hope roblox improves their lighting soon

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