Lights Out (RELEASE)

I think my laser tag game is ready for release.
Please give constructive critisicm.
Also, all bullets are client sided to reduce lag, FYI.

It works like this. Basically, you are trapped in a very dark environment. Visibility is poor. Here’s the twist. Everyone is invisible. However, everybody will independently flash visible every 8-10 seconds, and stay for 4-6 seconds before turning invisible. The cycle repeats. However, pulling out any of your weapons will flash you visible. There are also many walls. I’ve added many sound effects so you know when your opponent does things. 4 gamemodes. Tools/Abilities:

Blink: Lets you teleport a short distance. Show a signal fire that will stay for 2 seconds before you teleport. 10 sec cooldown.

Kill Aura: Makes you very obvious and makes you visible but quickly damages down any enemy nearby.

Landmines: Drops a landmine where you click. Stepping on an enemy landmine = get sent flying, turn visible and be painfully obvious + slowed for 10 seconds.

Energy Wall: Drops a translucent wall that blocks all projectiles for 5 seconds. 15 sec cooldown.

Phaser: A powerful 1 hit KO laser gun. Makes you visible.

All tools have sound effects when used except for wall. Players have sound effects when they turn visible and invisible.

Please check out my game. It requires 2+ people though, so additionally please bring a friend.

Thank you.

Have a good day.


Looks pretty good! However, maybe put the “no players nearby” somewhere where it looks fitting. Possibly one line at the bottom or the top


This is a pretty unique game. However, I suggest you increase the overall brightness of the environment, so that the blue fire does not look so contrasted.


I can’t walk two feet without being blown up by some random mine. You are also forcing me to be invisible which means even I can’t see where my player is. Ultimately this is super unstable with too many bugs to even count, might as well just unrelease this and focus on fixing and polishing the game.

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The landmines are from a gamemode, which is minefield. I’ve tested the game with my team numerous times, and there was one known bug. The mines are also visible. Being invisible at times is the point of the game, it hides you from enemy players. If you want to see where you are, just equip kill aura or a gun. Could you please elaborate and describe some of the bugs?

One of the bugs I noticed were the mines were actually invisible for me, usually I could see them but some were actually invisible.

Second was sometimes I get randomly flung around the map, I know there are like lightning strikes or whatever that do that but I was actually flung around randomly without getting struck.

That’s really all I found.

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Ok. Thanks. Minefield is the only gamemode where mines will spawn around the map. Currently 18-24 mines attempt to spawn every six seconds. When you got flung, were you glowing and on fire? There are no lightning strikes. I might add them in a gamemode some day though. The mines are quite difficult to see, but they are visible. When they spawn they will flash for 3 ish seconds. After that, they’ll give off a very faint glow.

The faint white blotches shown are naturally spawned landmines in Minefield. I’ll add a tutorial soon to make the game less confusing.
Thanks for your time.