[Lights] ProjectedLight or at least a Texture setting for a SpotLight

Let’s say I want to implement multiple flashlights in a game - each would have a cosmetic change.

I will give examples:

  • Halloween Flashlight - it makes a Jack-o’-lantern face on the wall
  • Hero Flashlight - it makes a Batman symbol on the wall

Both texture and cone of light would have color settings.

It would add some variety and I (or other devs) would really appreciate it in the future projects.


What you’re actually asking for is projection. It puts your texture onto the world geometry. I support.


Fixed the name.

Support. Would be great for weapons to have little lights as attachments that can project different shapes and textures.

Already a huge thread about this here:


Support. I would love to see something like this implemented.

Similar, but not exactly the same :stuck_out_tongue: