Lightsaber Bladelock/Clashing feature for Sabers Unleashed 3

Hello everyone,

Currently I am working on my game Sabers Unleashed 3, the third and last installment of the series. With this being the last game in the series, I decided I was going to go all out with my ideas and features for the game, which included a bladelock mechanic

In Star Wars and many of its fight scenes there are multiple instances of characters clashing their swords together during a climactic moment of battle, usually to exchange dialog or add cinematic marvel. I wanted to recreate this feeling with my system, though I hadn’t really seen it done in other games on Roblox.

I drew inspiration from the force unleashed games and the Vader fight at the end of Jedi Fallen Order, where the player button mashes to win. In my game by doing a specific set of moves to meet certain conditions, difficult enough for them to be rare but not so difficult that they are impossible, two players will enter a bladelock with a random key close to the left hand being chosen as the key to spam. Players are given 5 second to win the clash (to prevent pacing issues) and if one of them is close to winning their time will be extended by 10 seconds. If one wins the bladelock the winner drains their opponent’s stamina and deals double damage.

There is also a sudden death mechanic with the bladelock, in which both players are low enough on health to be killed by losing the bladelock. In this scenario, a remix of Duel of The Fates will play in the background and players will be given until the track concludes (pretty much long enough to guarantee someone will win) and upon winning will have a brutal finisher animation play before killing their opponent.

Here is the test footage for the bladelocks, thank you for reading


This is genuinely impressive, it doesn’t even look like Roblox, that’s so cool! How long did this take to create?

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Thank you, this is the second iteration of the bladelock but all in all not too long. Just makes use of some clever animation tricks

Listen the only thing you need to know. It’s looks amazing holy Molly. I see you put a lot of effort in this.

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It looks great! You should definitely include some camera animation work as well and reactive particles

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That looks really cool. Did you use touch event or something else?

I use a combination of RaycastHitboxV4 and vector distance checks. The raycastHitbox is for the non lock on combat, where as the distance checks are for lock on