Lightsaber Combat #2

I continued the saber comabt testing I was working on. What do you think?


I just now realized the footage looks laggy. I was not laggy in game but it was OBS. I will have better quality in showcase #3


It is cool but add good graphics in game

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video is really laggy. you could improve the animation by doing something about the torso seeming “frozen”

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It looks frozen partially because of the video being laggy. Im going to change OBS settings so it wont lag at all.

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It has nothing to do with the video lag. It’s just that your character animations looks strange because the Torso is the only one not moving


I think I put it onto an animation track when it shouldnt be. I’ll fix that later


you are supposed to place your animation ids inside animation tracks so there is no problem with that. you just need to modify the animation so it doesn’t look too robotic.

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I know that, I mean in the animation itself. I’m pretty sure I had the UpperTorso cframe offset set to the same thing on each keyframe. I also plan I using blender for new animations so that it is much smoother