Like/Dislike Count Not Updating on Interaction (UI Bug)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to a game pass or game page where the like and dislike counts are shown as whole numbers, such as “(495)” instead of “(659K+)”.
  2. Like or dislike the game pass or game. You might notice that the count doesn’t update. (This is the first sign of the bug.)
  3. Undo your like or dislike. Now, the count should change by either +1 like or -1 dislike.

Proof of Concept (PoC)

Additional Information

  • This appears to be a visual bug only. Refreshing the page will usually fix the display.
  • This bug occur on any page that allows liking or disliking content, including games and game passes.
  • The bug has been observed on multiple devices, networks, operating systems (Windows 10/11), and browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera GX) with all browser extensions disabled.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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