LikeGetter - Instantly get a place's likes in 2 simple steps

Heya! This module is here just for people who want to retrieve likes without going through the hassle of using modules & other stuff.

First things first, follow this tutorial up to the point where you get the ScriptId, then you can proceed:

After retrieving the scriptId, which should look something like:

You can simply take the module
Insert it anywhere, and simply write the following in a normal script:

local likegetter = require(path.To.LikeGetterModule)
likegetter:Init(scriptId that you got earlier)
local likes = likegetter:GetLikes()

You say “a place’s likes” yet you only provide the functionality to return the current game’s likes. You should add support for places other than the current one.


you can probably modify :GetLikes() to have an Id argument

1 Like

That isn’t the point. Anyone who requires the module by id will still be forced to use the old version.

1 Like

Not gonna lie, when I read the title of the post, “LikeGetter” I thought this was some sort of place like bot lol, glad it’s not.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think they disabled that

No, the endpoint for fetching likes and dislikes for games not owned by the authenticated user is still supported.

Here’s an example with a random UniverseId:

No, was talking ab requiring the module by ID


@R0bl0x10501050 suggested that I add the ability to get other places’ likes, not just the one you’re currently in, and that’s exactly what I did!

Now, when running the :Init() function, do this if you want to have a custom UniverseId!

likeGetterModule:Init(scriptId,optionalUniverseId) -- add the universe Id as the 2nd parameter!

If you’d like to change said UniverseId, do so using the following function:


If you want to reset back to the original place’s universeId, simply do this:


NOTE: If you only want to get the current place’s likes, only run this piece of code:

local likegetter = require(path.To.LikeGetterModule)
likegetter:Init(scriptId that you got earlier)
local likes = likegetter:GetLikes()