You say “a place’s likes” yet you only provide the functionality to return the current game’s likes. You should add support for places other than the current one.
@R0bl0x10501050 suggested that I add the ability to get other places’ likes, not just the one you’re currently in, and that’s exactly what I did!
Now, when running the :Init() function, do this if you want to have a custom UniverseId!
likeGetterModule:Init(scriptId,optionalUniverseId) -- add the universe Id as the 2nd parameter!
If you’d like to change said UniverseId, do so using the following function:
If you want to reset back to the original place’s universeId, simply do this:
NOTE: If you only want to get the current place’s likes, only run this piece of code:
local likegetter = require(path.To.LikeGetterModule)
likegetter:Init(scriptId that you got earlier)
local likes = likegetter:GetLikes()