Liking spree, is it spam?

When new forum members join, a lot of them go on liking sprees.

They see a random topic and just like every single reply on their, and I think it is just to get accepted into the forum as a member.

As you can see on my profile, a certain user has liked my posts/replies 33 times! Double the amount of the others!

Is this considered spam liking? Is it allowed?
(I’m talking about the liking spree, not just likes in general)


If you think someone is maliciously targeting your account by mass-liking it then you can make a report to the DevEngagementTeam. The likes could be 100% natural though and the number of likes given by a particular user have just built up little-by-little.

Did they like 33 of your posts within the same day or what.


Well, a few days ago they liked it 14 times.

The next day it went up to 32. This is my cause for concern, really.

I also was going to ask, why did they target me, specifically?

On their profile, they have liked my a load more times than others, and I am kinda worried that I am a target of some sort.


Only dev engagement team is able to determine the intention of the activity so just bring it up privately with them

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Uh, I’d like to apologise if I also were the one in this case, but hey! This feature is definitely going to be used by others too if someone posts a really helpful post/ he or she agrees to someone’s statement. Like I don’t think so it is considered in this case to be spam, it would be if someone like your posts and just replies “Agreed”. Otherwise, their isn’t really a badge or something for liking in this discourse forum so basically, no would spend time on that. Plus to target someone, one doesn’t like spam xD.
If anyone find it to be annoying, then they turn notifications for getting likes off, I think.

I follow you so that’s why there are a lot of likes from me :upside_down_face: sorry if you thought I was spamming you!


There is a limit on likes to stop excessive spam, anything below the limit would not generally be considered worthy of punishment.

So long as its not a personal bot designed to boost stats its generally considered acceptable as far as im concerned, its always good to show appreciation towards posts and its a lot better to have 30 likes then 30

Thank you!
30 chars 30 chars 30 chars haha.


This is why I liked to old system better. Nowadays new users can simply game the system to gain access to the forums.

Devforum should be something that a lot of people have access to. At least in my opinion.

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I’m pretty sure reading time is still more important to gain access


Speaking from someone who often gets a message telling me “I have a few likes for today” or that “I’ve ran out of likes for the next 8 hours”, (in which I feel like this), unless it’s specifically targeted towards one person I don’t think it would be considered spam.

I use media platforms such as Instagram, Youtube, Reddit, Twtitter, etc. and I’ve gotten used to liking any post that I find interesting, funny, cool, or something worth looking back upon.

Now, I browse the forms often, and as a result like posts often. This probably isn’t a good habit, but I would really like for it to not be against the rules.

Because why wouldn’t you want likes? It’s not done maliciously. I want to say, hey, that looks nice or hey, I agree with your opinion.

So, my opinion is that unless it’s done with bad intent (targeting) then I wouldn’t consider it to be spam.

plz dont ban me


I highly doubt every post you’ve come across on the forum is worthy of a like. The like limit is there so you don’t like every post in existence in a single day and to prevent malicious stat boosting attempts and spamming someone else’s notifications.


Not every post on the forum is worthy of a like, I don’t like every post I see :stuck_out_tongue:
And yes, the like limit makes sense. I agree with that, of course- ( ◞・౪・)

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Absolutely. There are indeed some posts which might be wrong or creations, which people didn’t like, so obviously not many people would like so.

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As a new member to the forum, I like posts when replying isn’t appropriate, because I was taught this by @discobot. For example, if someone tells me a solution to a problem I am having, instead of me replying

OK thanks

I was told to just give it a heart.