Limited Items Not Removable From Collection After Being Sold

If you purchase a limited item, add it to your collection and then sell it, there is also no option to remove it after it is sold. This has left me with an item on my collection that I do not want on it or own anymore in which I have no way to remove but rebuying it.

You should be able to remove it even if you no longer own the item.

This issue has been happening for as long as this feature has existed, this bug simply has not been important enough to report. I am pretty sure this does not only happen to me as well. It only happens with limited items as they are the only ones that you can sell and put on your collection.

Here is a screenshot of it happening. I do not own the item in red, however it is in my collection. Since I no longer own it, when I go to the item page I do not see the … menu that would have the ‘Remove From Profile’ button.


(I am aware that this problem has been addressed and seemingly has been solved, but it still remains present for some users. Collected Items Bug - #4 by WebGL3D)

In addition to the OP’s predicament, this has become a lasting issue for myself as the outlined item below has been pinned onto my profile (~2 years ago) with no button for removal present. My case, however, was not caused due to reselling but rather due to a trade that resulted in me giving away the said item. It would be much appreciated if there were to be an option in which we can remove unwanted items from our profiles.



This is still happening :sad:


Adding to profile only adds a second entry of the limited, and removing from profile only removes that second entry. The first one can literally not be removed.


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Although not an important issue, I can confirm that this issue is still happening. I am unable to remove a limited that I don’t own anymore. It seems that this issue occurs with items that were traded away (rather than sold), as I was able to successfully remove a couple of limiteds that I sold away in the past.

My case:

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This bug might be inconsistent, i’m able to remove an item I have pinned to my profile that I traded away over a year ago.

I believe that it is. Obviously it’s not a super important bug, however it hasn’t been fixed since I first posted this. I assume that’s because it’s a pretty niche bug that doesn’t seem to happen to everyone in this situation. My only way to remove the item from my profile at this point would be to rebuy it and then sell it.

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