Limited UGC Publishing Unsuccessful

Hello, I’m not being able to publish the limited UGC item in the marketplace as a back accessory free limited of 200 stocks.
I have my ID verified, with a premium of 1,000

User ID: 646193490
Item ID: 17067944764

The error text:
Publishing Unsuccessful
We could not publish this item because there is an unknown issue with this item. If this issue continues, contact us for help. Please try again later.

Expected behavior

Publishing Successful, I believe. And the robux paid, of course.


Found someone to take a look at this! We’ll get back to you when we have an update.


Can confirm this is also happening to me on my premium account while trying to publish a non-limited UGC item.

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Glad roblox moderation quickly caught this thanks to your post.

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Hello, @music_man1996

There is also another big issue with the limited publishing here.
It appears that my item doesn’t have a new configuration page. As the new ones can publish it normally.

Also, even though the amount of the item changes, the fee is still at 20,000 robux, and I have no idea why that happens.
I’ve filled out a big report for this before but got no attention or response.

My item is: Songkran Crown of Elders' Blessing - Roblox.

I’ve got an image for you.

Hey - this issue you reported should be fixed now. Thanks for the report.

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Still Not fixed, still getting this error on regular items

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Can you send me the AssetID of the item you are trying to publish? And also: is this being published as a non-limited or Limited. Is it being published through a group?

We’ll take a look and report back.

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The item id is 17072102749

Being published as a NON Limited, it is thru a group. The owner has 1000/2000 Premium.

The error we found while looking into your item is that it was missing a description when trying to publish. Are you still unable to publish after filling in a description?

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Sweet! Thank you added a description and now works.

Hello, will you able to take down this item? You told me to re-upload this for a limited publishing.


Hello KinnyBloxy,

It might be because you don’t have UGC access which means you can’t set UGCS on sale and only a person who has UGC access can put UGCS on sale, correct me if I said something wrong.

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