Hello. I am making a turret that points at the player’s mouse, and I tried to limit the rotation on the Y-axis but doesn’t seem to work properly. Here is a video: https://streamable.com/0rk0ip
And here is my code:
local toAim = mouse.Hit.Position;
local CF = CFrame.lookAt(turret.Position, Vector3.new(toAim.X, turret.Position.Y, toAim.Z));
local X, Y, Z = CF:ToOrientation();
Y = math.clamp(Y, -2, 2)
turret.CFrame = CFrame.new(turret.Position)*CFrame.Angles(0, Y, 0)
Thank you so much for reading! Any help is appreciated.
Is the angle supposed to be between -2 degrees and 2 degrees or -2 radians and 2 radians? ToOrientation gives the angles in radians, so the limit should be in radians, too. You can use math.rad to convert degrees to radians.
local toAim = mouse.Hit.Position;
local CF = CFrame.lookAt(turret.Position, Vector3.new(toAim.X, turret.Position.Y, toAim.Z));
local X, Y, Z = CF:ToOrientation();
Y = math.clamp(Y, -2, 2)
turret.CFrame = CFrame.new(turret.Position)*CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi+Y, 0)
Is the rotation of the character supposed to affect this?
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local plr = Players.LocalPlayer
local toAim = mouse.Hit.Position
local hrpCf = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
local hrpDir = hrpCf.LookVector
local hrpDirX, hrpDirZ = hrpDir.X, hrpDir.Z
local targetPos = toAim.Position
local targetDirX, targetDirZ = targetPos.X-hrpCf.X, targetPos.Z-hrpCf.Z
local hrpAngle, targetAngle = math.atan2(hrpDirX, -hrpDirZ), math.atan2(targetDirX, -targetDirZ)
local y = hrpAngle+math.clamp(targetAngle-hrpAngle, -2, 2)
turret.CFrame = CFrame.new(turret.Position)*CFrame.Angles(0, y, 0)
Thank you so much for writing that! But, the rotation of the character isn’t supposed to affect this. I tried this too but it didn’t work. Here’s a video: https://streamable.com/xrvvjg
Download studio tweaks, and make sure the turret part has the face looking at the correct direction in the barrel of the turret or else things might get weird.
Otherwise I believe in the original code the turret is clamped in the Global axis and not by how it was originally facing. I will take some code bits from my turret controller module to try apply it to your situation.
local baseCFrame = turret.CFrame -- the new XYZ axis of the turret CFrame, it's original orientation.
local toAim = mouse.Hit.Position;
local CF = CFrame.lookAt(turret.Position, Vector3.new(toAim.X, turret.Position.Y, toAim.Z));
--math from my module
local turretRelativeCF =baseCFrame :ToObjectSpace(CF)
local _, Y , _ = turretRelativeCF:ToOrientation()
Y = math.clamp(Y, -2, 2)
local goalCFrame = baseCFrame*CFrame.fromOrientation(0,Y,0)
local rotationOnly = goalCFrame - goalCFrame.Position
turret.CFrame = CFrame.new(turret.Position)*rotationOnly
It works, but the only problem now I have is that when you’re going off the limits, it’s doing some weird thing, I don’t know how to explain, but you can see it in this video: https://streamable.com/kjm287