Limits Placed on IKControl by Constraints Will Not Update Upon Changes in Position/Orientation

Currently I’ve been attempting to create a spider. However I’m having an issue with the constraints I’ve put on the leg. To be more specific, if the body of the spider were rotated the axis/planes for the constraints don’t update unless I disable and re-enable the limits enabled options in the hinge and ball-and-socket constraints manually.

The only time it seems to update is if I manually rotate an anchored version of the leg (note this only works with the studio rotate tool, any changes made to the orientation via script doesn’t appear to have any affect)

After further experimentation it would appear changing the properties of any of the children of the chain root part causes it to function as it should at that moment in time. For example adding a random attachment with no purpose and changing it’s position would make the leg function as it is meant to function at that moment. However, the issue persists after the update. So the only solution I’ve found to the problem is using a renderstepped event to constantly update a random property in one of the children of the chainroot. In the case of the test place the chainroot is set to the part called “hip” in all of the test leg models.

Here is a test place showing the issues I’m facing:
SpiderLegs.rbxl (55.1 KB)

Note: the model called “TestWithRenderSteppedUpdates” in the place has local scripts that constantly update the positions of attachments within the “hip” part of the leg.


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

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Hi, the video seems to not be playing. Could you try re-uploading it, or sharing it via DM? Thanks

Hi, thanks for the report. This has been fixed as seen below and will be available in one of the next releases. Cheers

Glad to help! Looking forward to it!