Hello everyone. I recently came to know about two minor but super annoying issues.
When clicking the “Copy Code” button, it somehow stores the line numbers at the left to the clipboard. And when I paste it onto a post, the numbers get pasted as well. The same occurs when simply highlighting every word and then copy-pasting from there. I assume that this is not an intended thing, so I believe that this should get fixed immediately.
Another thing is that the indentations that are displayed in the code samples are not preserved when copying and pasting. For example, a function looks very messy with all lines bunched up to the left without clean indentation.
This video briefly shines upon the problems.
First, the code I copied is 84 lines long! Imagine having to manually delete all of those numbers. Second, notice how every line of code is pressed against the left side in the preview. This is very messy should be immediate action is needed. Third, look at how when I copied the code that was 84 lines long, only 58 got pasted in. And the code was not even releated to the one I copied. I am fairly sure that this particular bug is for this certain page (“Scripting Terrain”, scroll down to “Flood Fill” in “Examples”). I never even noticed until I viewed the video myself. I tried highlighting and copy-pasting, and I even tried refreshing but the problem still persisted.
In conclusion, there are actually three slight problems that need attention:
- Line numbers at the left side of script samples being copied
- Indentations are not considered when copying
I honestly don’t know I was able to spot these, they are very hidden!
Thank you.