Line Runner- A part of Futurised Series

Hello i m nanosph and after a longtime i have been remastering this template. This idea was not taken from RoBuilder, I had started remastering the place when i started developing.



This is a part of Futurized Templates Programme(unofficial).
The Programme is about remastering all Roblox templates to compete
with new game tech. This will help beginners to get better knowledge. All templates will be free to play. We don’t need investment on these games. These templates are for beginners. Everything for the template will be available as package.
This game is remastered line runner template.
Get in the obstacle course like Mario in a virtual way.
Stay home, Stay Safe!

Available on:
Mac OS

Please dont report this post and i dont think it is off-topic.
Also share some screenshots for thumbnail.
UI work is being done by @Qinrir

Update 1. Removed immersive environments

Ok I ll do it but u ll have to wait.