Line Runner Template - Customization Problem

hey devforum!! i’m zion and i’m an australian teenager who’s learning to build! i decided that since i can’t build a whole game yet, i would experiment with a roblox studio template! i used the line runner template and did some customization, but one part of the game (which isn’t with all of the other parts) isn’t in a place where i can find it and customize. can someone help me? i’ve attached photos to show what i mean!

tldr; learning to build on studio, having problems with the line runner template and can’t locate and find a certain track and need help! photos attached

part that i can’t seem to locate and customize:

all the other customization i’ve done:

thanks for reading!! let me know if you know what to do! (i’m also willing to allow you to have access to the game to help if u want)


I went into the template to look for myself, the model that you are trying to color is under ReplicatedStorage - PathModules - StartModule - Start
Screenshot 2024-01-14 232733


ahhhh ty!!! tysm i couldnt find it haha

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