Linear algebra calculated incorrectly and i've got no clue why

in a nutshell:
i’m making aiming down sights, it was working very well but then i wanted to make the aimpart always end up on the same “axis” as the mouse:

this would ensure that the “aimpart” is always on center of the screen, and i wouldn’t have to manually adjust its position in studio

friend of mine suggested to use linear algebra (i tried raycasting and it didn’t work lol),
so i did use it

this is really confusing to me idk why the offset is like this :sob:

-- setup lerp variables
	local lerpAlpha = 0
	local lerpSpeed = 1.5
	-- lerp viewmodel
	rService:BindToRenderStep("AimGun", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function(deltaTime)
		-- calculate alpha
		lerpAlpha = math.clamp(lerpAlpha + lerpSpeed * deltaTime, 0, 1)
		-- get parameters for calculating intersection point
		local camPos = camera.CFrame.Position
		local mouseOrigin = mouse.Origin.Position
		local mouseDirection = mouse.UnitRay.Direction.Unit
		-- calculate intersection point
		local distanceToCamera = mouseOrigin - camPos
		local projectedVector = distanceToCamera:Dot(mouseDirection)
		local intersectionPoint = mouseOrigin + projectedVector * mouseDirection
		-- calculate offset
		local aimpartOffset = intersectionPoint - viewmodelAimPart.Position
		local offset = camera.CFrame:ToObjectSpace( + aimpartOffset)).Position
		-- calculate new cframe
		local targetCFrame = camera.CFrame *
		local currentCFrame = viewmodel:GetPivot()
		local lerpedCFrame = currentCFrame:Lerp(targetCFrame, lerpAlpha)
		-- pivot the viewmodel to the lerped cframe