Linear velocity doesn't have any effect?

My linear velocity has no effect, it applies velocity to an attachment which is inside the player’s root part, what the hell…


local players = game:GetService("Players")
local debris = game:GetService("Debris")

-- Functions;
function CreateSound(soundId: number, volume: number, range: number)
	local sound ="Sound")
	sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. soundId
	sound.Volume = volume
	sound.RollOffMaxDistance = range
	return sound

function CreateLinearVelocity()
	local linearVelocity ="LinearVelocity")
	linearVelocity.MaxForce = 100000000
	linearVelocity.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.Attachment0
	return linearVelocity

function ClearGivenInstance(instanceToClear: Instance, timeBeforeClear: number)
	-- most would say this function sucks, but i'd rather have it be a function
	-- than consistently do debris:AddItem()
	-- very minor i know
	debris:AddItem(instanceToClear, timeBeforeClear)

function CreateSphere(size: Vector3)
	local sphere ="Part")
	sphere.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
	sphere.Size = size
	sphere.Anchored = true
	sphere.CanCollide = false
	sphere.Transparency = 1
	return sphere

local classFunctionalityModule = {
	Groundbreaker = {
		useCriteria = 100,
		timeBeforeAbilityEffect = 0.950, -- this is just so i know what delays to give,
		onTriggered = function(plr: Player)
			local character = plr.Character
			local humanoid: Humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
			if not character or not humanoid then plr:Kick("What?") return end
			-- Some crucial values;
			local abilityRadius =,64,64)
			local stunLength = 6
			-- Minor connections;
			local slamSoundConnection = nil
			local rootPart: BasePart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
			-- we assign some values that we will pass onto CreateSound()
			-- first for the ability starting
			local abilityStartSoundId = 94844622980879
			local abilityStartVolume = 0.5
			local abilityStartRange = 80
			-- then for the slam
			local abilitySlamSoundId = 90712690705018
			local abilitySlamVolume = 0.8
			local abilitySlamRange = 120
			-- Range is the value of RollOffMaxDistance, before anyone (including me) asks
			-- now we actually create the sounds, by passing those variables created above
			-- for some reason i have to define the type, because otherwise
			-- auto completion doesn't pop-up
			-- weird...
			local buildUpSound: Sound = CreateSound(abilityStartSoundId, abilityStartVolume, abilityStartRange)
			local slamSound: Sound = CreateSound(abilitySlamSoundId, abilitySlamVolume, abilitySlamRange)
			buildUpSound.Parent = rootPart
			slamSound.Parent = rootPart
			local buildUpTime = 0.7
			-- i also have to define the type in here??
			-- what the hell??
			local upwardVelocity: LinearVelocity = CreateLinearVelocity()
			local downwardVelocity: LinearVelocity = CreateLinearVelocity()
			downwardVelocity.Enabled = false -- this is extremely pointless but i'd rather have it here
			-- create the attachment so we can parent the linear velocities
			local velocityAttachment ="Attachment")
			velocityAttachment.Parent = rootPart
			-- setting the upwardVelocity properties
			upwardVelocity.VectorVelocity =, 10, 0) -- will launch the player upwards
			upwardVelocity.Parent = velocityAttachment
			upwardVelocity.Enabled = true
			-- can't forget about the build up sound
			ClearGivenInstance(upwardVelocity, buildUpTime)
			ClearGivenInstance(buildUpSound, buildUpTime)
			upwardVelocity.Destroying:Wait() -- wait for the upwardVelocity to get destroyed before continuing
			-- okay, now after we have launched the player upwards
			-- we launch them downwards
			-- rocket science!
			downwardVelocity.VectorVelocity =, -10, 0) -- will launch the player downwards
			downwardVelocity.Parent = velocityAttachment
			downwardVelocity.Enabled = true
			local slamTime = 0.25
			ClearGivenInstance(downwardVelocity, slamTime)
			downwardVelocity.Destroying:Wait() -- again, wait for the downforce to be destroyed before continuing
			slamSound:Play() -- now we slam the sound!
			-- not sure why i'm setting up a connection here, but i'd rather move on from the yielding
			-- and instead move onto the actual thing that makes the ability work
			slamSoundConnection = slamSound.Ended:Connect(function()
				slamSoundConnection:Disconnect() -- wow it kills itself right here, a bit sad
			-- oh boy, it's time to make the ability work!
			local detectorSphere: BasePart = CreateSphere(abilityRadius)	
			detectorSphere.CFrame = rootPart.CFrame
			local enemyDetector = workspace:GetPartsInPart(detectorSphere)
			local enemiesHit = {}
			for _, bodyPart in enemyDetector do
				local enemyHumanoid: Humanoid = bodyPart.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") or bodyPart.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
				local enemyCharacter: Model = enemyHumanoid and enemyHumanoid.Parent
				-- some checks to ensure that the for loop actually works
				if bodyPart.Parent.Parent == nil then continue end
				if players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(enemyCharacter) then continue end
				if not enemyCharacter or not enemyHumanoid then continue end
				if table.find(enemiesHit, enemyCharacter) then continue end
				table.insert(enemiesHit, enemyCharacter) -- inserting the enemy into a table
				-- so we can prevent stun stacking
				warn("Stunned enemy!")
				-- TODO; Add stun logic;	
			-- clearing the entire stun table

function classFunctionalityModule:UseAbillity(plr: Player, currentClass: string)

return classFunctionalityModule

It could be because the player is too heavy
You could also check if it exists inside the player to see if its there

set the upwards velocity to 500, no different results

does exist!!

oops it was because i forgot to set the .Attachment0

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