LinearVelocity problems with player

Currently, I am trying to make a simple roll / dash that the player can use for mobility in my game. I am using 2 linear velocities to calculate the movement of the dash. 1 linear velocity handles the movement of the roll itself and the 2nd linear velocity handles the “gravity” of the roll so the player can’t roll mid-air.

However, on ramps, there is a lot of glitchy movement and I was wondering what I could do to prevent it.
Bellow is my script and a gyazo link to the gif of the movement not working properly.

-- some more code here blah blah blah doesnt matter
local attach ="Attachment",character.HumanoidRootPart)
local dash ="VectorVelocity",character.HumanoidRootPart)

dash.MaxForce = 1000000
dash.Attachment0 = attach

local grav = dash:Clone()
grav.Parent = character.HumanoidRootPart
grav.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRealtiveTo.World
dash.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.Attachment0

dash.VectorVelocity =,0,-1) * 45
grav.VectorVelocity =,-1,0) * workspace.Gravity/4.9


-- some more code here blah blah blah doesnt matter

Gyazo link

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I think the velocity that moves forwards is trying to push the player into the ramp, so they ragdoll and have lots of weird movement. You could use a raycast and set the velocity lower if there is an object very close to the player.

Try decreasing the max force of the linear velocities.

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