LineForce/VectorForce not working

I added a place file to the replies section of this post if anyone wants to take a look.

I’m trying to make a cart ride type game and have never used LineForce or VectorForce before. In fact, I don’t even know if LineForce and VectorForce are used in cart ride games but I’m just assuming they are. Anyways, I created a basic cart ride model for experimental purposes and used WeldContraints to keep the cart from falling apart. (No parts are anchored.)

All the WeldContraints are connected to the floor since the floor is the part I’m using to move the model. None of these parts are grouped either. I added LineForce but it didn’t move the cart. I then added VectorForce, which once again, failed to move the cart.

I know absolutely nothing about VectorForce or LineForce so sorry if this is a stupid post. Also can someone please explain the difference between the two forces? I looked at the Documentation but it just confused me further.

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Can you send me the rblx file so I can view it?
Thank you.

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You might want to use CollisionGroups to make the moving parts uncollidable with the non-moving ones. As it stands, it seems that your cart is stuck to the wall due to lack of tolerance.

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Have you given any of the forces an attachment?

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Yes, both of them. Still didn’t work.

What wall are you referring to? The cart is all the gray parts and the only other part in the entire workspace is the baseplate.

CartRideFile.rbxl (59.5 KB)

You forgot to weld one of the parts to the floor, so maybe it was making it heavy so didn’t move? Or maybe you set the vector force for different part?

Try this Model
Cart.rbxm (5.3 KB)

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Which part isn’t welded to the floor? I just double checked the VectorForce and the attachment is set properly. The cart model you sent also doesn’t work.

I’m really confused as to what the issue is…

The side wall.

The model does work. You just have to make the force something silly like 5000. If you want use LinearVelocity

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Never mind, I figured out the issue. Basically I had the force set to 500 which I realized was too low. Upon setting it to 5k, the issue resolved itself.

You could also mess with the masses of the parts themselves. At the moment, they are probably really high.

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