Linen & Co. | Public Handbook

The element of surprise meets a laundromat.

Here at Linen & Co, we value inclusivity, and strive to create a welcoming and joyful community. These values begin with our staff, we love and appreciate our extremely loyal and kind staff, without them we wouldn’t be able to build the community we have today!




Our goal here at L&C is to create a warm and safe community that welcomes people of all paths, we very much value inclusivity, and our goal is to remove the lines between Customer vs. Employee, and want to make sure everyone can have an equal experience. But with these goals we must enforce some rules to make sure we can maintain a safe environment for all!

  1. Bullying: Bullying, insulting, or harassment of any kind is not tolerated.

  2. Foul Language: Cussing/cursing is not allowed in this Discord server.

  3. Drama: All drama must be kept off the server and in game, this includes personal disputes or arguments. If you are caught starting drama, you will be given a warning, and then be asked to move it off the server. You will be kicked/banned from the group if you continue even after a warning.

  4. Spamming: Spamming is unnecessary and annoying. It will result in an immediate ban from the server and the group if caught doing so.

  5. Caps Abuse: Avoid using all caps when sending messages.

  6. Leaking Information: Leaking confidential DMs or chats from any of the private channels will result in an immediate ban from the server and group.

  7. Sensitive Topics: We want to keep the chats upbeat and lively. Please avoid talking about mental health/physical health issues or any topics that are controversial and cause arguments such as politics.

  8. Advertising: Do not advertise other Roblox groups. You will receive a warning and then a kick/ban. L&C alliances are an exception.

  9. Grammar: Grammar is not required in game and in this Discord server, but we do encourage staff members (MR+) to use it.

  10. Channels: Use each channel for its own appropriate use.

Note: Do not try to find loopholes or attempt to get around these regulations. Please use common sense, not every single rule is listed. If you see anyone breaking the rules above, report them to an HR+ with evidence.


These are the requirements you must meet in order to fill out an alliance application! The application can be found in the links section.


  • Must have 500+ members
  • Must have an active staff
  • Must have 95+ discord members
  • Have 2 representatives join our group
  • Cannot have a bad history
  • Must maintain professionalism

If you meet the criteria above you are eligible to fill out an application! Please be aware that it could take up to three days to be read, if you see you have not received any notice regarding your application feel free to message an SHR about it through our communications server.


Rank Information

LOWER RANKS (Trainee, Employee, and Senior Employee):
LRs are in charge of serving guests and customers, and making the game a welcoming place for all!

The moderator rank is an MR, the lowest MR to have admin. A moderator is in charge of management for the MRs. they are to manage the game and host shifts as well as help out with training!

The Human Resources rank is an MR. Their main job is to assist guests/members with any questions, whether it’s in the discord, game, or group wall. They are like any other HR rank with permissions to host training, shifts, events, and are supposed to moderate/manage ranks below them.

The Admin rank is an HR. The admin team is in charge of MRs, and they monitor their behavior, make sure everything is running smoothly, and that all rules are being enforced and followed. Admin team also has the luxury of hosting training sessions!

The dev rank is an HR. A contributor is a developer essentially, someone who makes a contribution in building or scripting within any of our games or even our discord server. This person has the most responsibility, because without our games we wouldn’t be anything.

The GM rank is an SHR rank, this rank’s job is to completely oversee and manage all the ranks under it, it has all permissions. It also helps with organization with the group such as applications, events, channels, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I work here?
After joining the group, head to our quiz center and apply for a trainee rank! From there you can attend training sessions to rank up.

How do I get promoted?
After becoming a trainee, attend the announced training sessions to train to the next rank. Once you reach the senior employee rank, you can earn a promotion through hard work and attending many shifts!

How do I handle a troller?
As an LR, verbally warn them once. If they refuse to stop their behavior, give them a clear warning. If they continue trolling after that, call an MR+ through the #people-reports channel in the discord with evidence, or through the group wall.

How do I handle an exploiter?
As an LR, exploiters get no warnings and should be immediately reported through the #exploiter-reports channel in the discord with evidence, or through the group wall.

What is the order limit?
The order limit is 3 items for everyone.

What are the seating options?
There is the bar, the lounge pavilion, & the dining pavilion.

How do I receive updates on the group, and notifications?
Join our Discord server and go to the #get-roles channel. There you can react to the notifications you would like to receive like shift and game night pings.


Important Links

linen & co. - Roblox

the laundromat - Roblox

training center - Roblox

quiz center - Roblox

Thank you for reading, if you feel some of your questions are still unanswered, or we should add anything else to this handbook please contact an SHR through our communications server!

  • SHR Team