August 27, 2024, 1:56am
Hi developers!
Myself, @AridTheDev , @WinnersTakesAll have designed these badges for use inside of the community. These are all 100% SVGs and can be resized to any size without losing any of the original resolution. These were made to mimic the GitHub link badges and give a more consistent and fluent appearance across our projects.
As for the files, they are currently only available on GitHub gists as embeddable images.
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17.7842C83.7072 18.5589 83.5624 19.236 83.2727 19.8154C82.9829 20.3949 82.576 20.8457 82.052 21.168C81.5279 21.4902 80.9143 21.6514 80.2111 21.6514ZM80.216 20.4258C80.6717 20.4258 81.0493 20.3053 81.3488 20.0645C81.6483 19.8236 81.8697 19.5029 82.0129 19.1025C82.1594 18.7021 82.2326 18.2611 82.2326 17.7793C82.2326 17.3008 82.1594 16.8613 82.0129 16.4609C81.8697 16.0573 81.6483 15.7334 81.3488 15.4893C81.0493 15.2451 80.6717 15.123 80.216 15.123C79.757 15.123 79.3762 15.2451 79.0734 15.4893C78.774 15.7334 78.551 16.0573 78.4045 16.4609C78.2613 16.8613 78.1896 17.3008 78.1896 17.7793C78.1896 18.2611 78.2613 18.7021 78.4045 19.1025C78.551 19.5029 78.774 19.8236 79.0734 20.0645C79.3762 20.3053 79.757 20.4258 80.216 20.4258ZM85.4744 21.5V14H86.8855V15.1914H86.9636C87.1003 14.7878 87.3412 14.4704 87.6863 14.2393C88.0346 14.0049 88.4285 13.8877 88.8679 13.8877C88.9591 13.8877 89.0665 13.891 89.1902 13.8975C89.3171 13.904 89.4164 13.9121 89.488 13.9219V15.3184C89.4294 15.3021 89.3253 15.2842 89.1755 15.2646C89.0258 15.2419 88.8761 15.2305 88.7263 15.2305C88.3813 15.2305 88.0736 15.3037 87.8035 15.4502C87.5365 15.5934 87.325 15.7936 87.1687 16.0508C87.0125 16.3047 86.9343 16.5944 86.9343 16.9199V21.5H85.4744ZM93.428 21.6465C92.8226 21.6465 92.2822 21.4919 91.8069 21.1826C91.3349 20.8701 90.9638 20.4258 90.6937 19.8496C90.4267 19.2702 90.2933 18.5752 90.2933 17.7646C90.2933 16.9541 90.4284 16.2607 90.6985 15.6846C90.972 15.1084 91.3463 14.6673 91.8216 14.3613C92.2968 14.0553 92.8356 13.9023 93.4378 13.9023C93.9033 13.9023 94.2776 13.9805 94.5608 14.1367C94.8473 14.2897 95.0687 14.4687 95.2249 14.6738C95.3844 14.8789 95.5081 15.0596 95.596 15.2158H95.6839V11.5H97.1438V21.5H95.7181V20.333H95.596C95.5081 20.4925 95.3812 20.6748 95.2151 20.8799C95.0524 21.085 94.8278 21.264 94.5413 21.417C94.2549 21.57 93.8838 21.6465 93.428 21.6465ZM93.7503 20.4014C94.1702 20.4014 94.525 20.2907 94.8147 20.0693C95.1077 19.8447 95.3291 19.5339 95.4788 19.1367C95.6318 18.7396 95.7083 18.2773 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There are more than three files. show original
These were also supposed to serve as an upgrade to my previous badges, found here:
Hello developers,
What is it?
I decided to make my own custom badges for my community resource posts. Here is the full pack that I made, I will be making more so request some! These are high-quality PNG’s, that all have the same design except for different logos, colors, and text. You may also use these anywhere else.
Example of icon in action:
[Join our Discord server!]
Icon Pack Preview:
All of these icons are free to use, and they were made in Figma.
HTML code for each badge…
These were outdated and had quite low resolution which is why we created these new ones.
Wow. Thank you for this great resource! Will use soon!