When a local place file is opened in Studio, allow the user to link the place to a PlaceId (simply using game:SetPlaceId() does not do the trick).
When a local place file is published onto ROBLOX, studio is able to do a lot more with that game. For instance, you can upload images directly for that game and edit developer products. The downside is that you have to publish the place in order for this to happen. If I’m working on a lot of changes for my game, I don’t want to publish it. So I’m essentially stuck with the limitations of the local file until I end up in a place in which I can publish my local file.
Using SetPlaceId allows me to access my game’s live DataStores, but does not give me access to the other privileges of published games.
Clarifications: Opening a game from the Edit button is nice and all, but as I mentioned previously, I have changes made to the game I don’t want to publish, and therefore are stored on my computer locally. When I open that file, it is not linked to my ROBLOX game on the site.
Let me know what you think! Perhaps there is a way to do this that I don’t know about?
A potential long term fix for this would be making two versions of a game: development and final (or launch or whatever lingo is correct). I feel like that would be a more long term feature yet it would require a significant amount of work.
I get around these issues by having a place in the universe that is used for all my development and then I just publish it over the main game when I’m ready.
I think this is a roundabout way of addressing the real problems which are that the most effective way to restrict access to our places is friends-only access and sometimes we don’t want even our friends to be able to visit our places (just our alternate accounts and maybe some select testers), and also that these places and their assets are displayed in our inventory and we’ll get stalker PMs asking what these new places, decals, and models in our inventory are.
Sure, we can kick people from our game by using a scripted whitelist, but at that point they’ve already loaded in some of the map and assets and if they’re using a program such as Fiddler can browse through all of those assets. We could also use personal servers because they’re broken and don’t really save anymore so they’re basically just a regular game with more access control, but sometimes they work and then we have changes saved to our game we didn’t want saved.
The solution to that problem? The same access control we have for personal servers on regular places.
The second problem was that people can snoop through our inventories to find out what we’ve been up to. We could delete items from our inventory as soon as we upload them, but not only is that an unnecessary hassle, but those users can just snoop through the library with “Show unavailable items” set to true and find the same assets (deleting assets has no effect on the library results).
The solution? Don’t show unavailable items in inventories and remove the “Show unavailable items” option from the catalog and library. Assets are unavailable for a reason and there’s absolute no reason ROBLOX should be displaying them in search results.
Currently I just use the sub place of a universe for testing like this, but for someone like you who attracts a large audience, you’re bound to have people snooping through your assets and that’s not an option. There has been so many problems introduced by that god-forsaken “Show unavailable items” button in the catalog/library. I’d be nice if ROBLOX hurried up and removed that.