Link that intends to link to the article for designing effective User Ads broken, on the User Ad Page

Description of Bug

Pretty miscellaneous, but this bug has something to do with the article link in the User Ad page:
(Replace PLACEIDHERE with your place’s ID).

You’ll see that there’s a small text below the buttons for downloading the Ad templates, linking to an article. However, when clicked, it attempts to redirect you to:

Which is not valid, and just directs you to the Roblox Doc homepage. Instead, the redirect should be updated to something like User Advertisements | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

When it happens

This might have been happening for possibly much longer, earliest I can trace is 1st August 2023.


Repro Steps

  1. Go to the Creator Dashboard and select any game.
  2. Scroll down on the menu sidebar and click on Advertise.
  3. When attempting to click on the article link provided, this bug should occur then.

This has likely occurred since the documentation overhaul.

They may have renamed the article.

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Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we have a ticket for this in our internal database.


This should be fixed! Is the issue still happening?

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Sorry for the late reply, but the issue is fixed now!

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