Linked Gmail Address is Deleted/Banned

Hello, i hope this is right topic for this,
So i have very huge problem, my yt banned, and as a rule, my email will be banned too, so this banned email is linked to my roblox acc, and if i log-out, i will never come back, because it’s sends me code to my banned email, but if i try to change my email, it’s request code from banned email…
I don’t know why roblox didnt do anything with that to this day,
I still trying to change it with roblox support, i said everything about my acc etc, but they request my “Google purchase receipt” but i don’t have any purchase receipt, please just who can help me.
And please, admins or who understand all this things, help me. Man, I AM Owner of this account, how do you think im even writing this?.


I had a simmillar issue with my alt account, gmail is banned, every device is logged out. I made no purchases or verification on it so it was lost forever, would be nice if someone gave me a solution to this.

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Contact Roblox Support and hope that they don’t copy and paste a response.

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I do already, i said that. Man i’m rl scared of losing my ac.

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Well, then I’ve said everything I can for this situation. Though if you do get logged out, I guess it’s time for you to start from scratch. These things just kinda happen.

TL;DR welcome to planet earth.


Wait, can i just save my account with phone number? (just like alternative of email address)

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I would suggest you stop using Gmail and stop using Google services altogether if you don’t have to. Google bans people for no reason and you give up all control of your privacy to them. Services like Gmail scan all users emails for tracking, receipts, ad personalization, who you talk to, when you talk to people, attachments, message details, and much more. I don’t know how you are gonna get your account back, but this is the reality of putting trust in companies like Google.

I lost my old Discord account because of Google Authenticator, but that’s a seperate story. What I do now is use ProtonMail and SimpleLogin (for email aliases) and there is no chance of them locking your account for no reason plus it’s MUCH more private.


You might be able to do that, maybe the phone number will be available to be used for 2FA.


So i got my access back, Only with Roblox Support, No access to email or phone nubmer.
I removed my banned email from account, removed PIN, i send them receipt from bank and other proofs so i got it back.

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