LinkedSource should allow external URLs + Desktop Paths

During a Studio session, LinkedSource should be able to access files on the PC and external websites. This allows for external editors + GitHub management to work better …

This feature should not extend into Online Mode, but be exclusive to Studio. If you publish a place containing a LinkedSource to a file on your PC or external URL, Studio should prompt you to either embed the Source to the place, or upload it as an Asset.


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This doesn’t really sound like an ideal solution.

Do I have to resetup the linkedsource of every script in my game whenever I want to start working on it again?

I think the best idea for external editor support would be to allow directory mapping, so I can point to a folder called “game” which has a structure similar to my game structure.

I would like it so I can have a private plugin that I can update on github and only I can use it.

This is already possible using GitHub’s web api. A friend and I have been using it for source control on a project we have been working on.

cough publishaspluginpls cough

I totally forgot about using Plugins, but it would be awesome to have this as a thing. That way … it’s just integrated. Don’t have to worry about using Plugins and etc.

(Though I’m probably going to make a Plugin now since I plan on using a Plugin to perform Updates and etc.)

Any chance this will become a thing?