When clicking on any of the games on the Builderman account’s creation tab (https://www.roblox.com/users/156/profile#!/creations) the links lead to, which appears to be a private IP address, thus being inaccessible & timing out.
Happens on any of my browsers/devices (Samsung A5) without any extensions 100% of the time.
The bug appears to be isolated to just the Builderman account as I can’t repro on any other profiles.
In the bug report I’m using Chrome, however I’m able to reproduce the bug on Firefox too. ~5 other users I asked could also reproduce on their own browsers, some of them on mobile too.
Huh. The first time I clicked the profile link here the game links lead to their proper places, but when going to check a second time I had the same link issue? Currently on Firefox for Windows 10, version 82.0.2 (64-bit).
I first encountered this on my phone which doesn’t have an AdBlocker, then checked other browsers such as Chrome incognito as well as Firefox. I’m able to consistently repro, so I’m confident it has nothing to do with adblockers.
REPLY to my old post, I have now been able to replicate this. I do not understand why, but it randomly occurred for me as well. It also chages the page’s code as well.
EDIT: Happened after I cleared cache. Seems to be that roblox updated the page, but it only works for people who reset their cache. Seems like they might of been making a tracking system to get info on who tries to access builderman games, possibly for a future update.