Is there a way that I can find a List of ClassNames? I need it for a Module that I am creating.
There is the Class Index page on the Developer Hub if that is the kind of thing you are talking about.
Otherwise if you are talking about retrieving them in a table from a script then Iām not so sure how.
You could find all the class names using HttpService
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local URL= "" .. "/raw/sxNsDjNm"
-- :GetASync gets the data from the website, in this case the function would be returning a string, so we need to convert it into a table
local stringList = HttpService:GetAsync(URL)
local classes = stringList:split("\n")
-- :split returns a table of characters that are in between the 1st parameter, since there's a space in between in class on the post, we use \n to refer to that space
You could use the Roblox API to get an up-to-date list of ClassNames.
-- I replaced to
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local studioVersion = HttpService:GetAsync("")
-- Get latest studio version using GetAsync
local Dump = HttpService:GetAsync(""..studioVersion.."-API-Dump.json")
-- Get API Dump
local Data = HttpService:JSONDecode(Dump)
-- Convert JSON to lua table
local Classes = {} -- table
for _,v in pairs(Data.Classes) do
table.insert(Classes,(#Classes + 1),v.Name) -- Insert ClassName to table
print(v.Name) -- Print ClassName
Thanks! I needed a list of all movement constraints, which are now hidden from the instance create menu.