Hello, do any of you know if there is a list of keycodes for the xbox one buttons because I’m trying to make my game better for xbox one but I don’t know what the keycode for the two bumpers are.
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Here’s the list: KeyCode | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
I think it’s
|### ButtonR1|1004|
| — | — | — |
|### ButtonL1|1005|
Although, it may be ButtonL2/R2, I can’t remember what they are on the controller.
It would be ButtonL1 and ButtonR1, L2 and R2 are thé triggers. L1 and R1 are bumpers.
If you type
Roblox’s intelligence should give you a popup list of all keycodes.
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Not a very accurate post title if all you were looking for is Xbox Key Codes, but I suppose that works too.