Saw someone else do a similar post so I thought I’d do one too, will update this every once in a while.
Item name (highest number of copies owned at one time) Date from when the hoard started and date from when the hoard was fully released / traded off (D/M/Y)
Visormetic Holoscope (x15) 2/6/20 - 28/3/22
Robber Baron Top Hat (x16) 3/8/20 - Present
Glorious Cyan Party Queen (x4) 5/11/20 - 28/11/20
Lord of the Fedoration (x38) 28/11/20 - 22/12/20
Periastron Crown (x10) 14/3/22 - 18/4/22
Dark Chocolate Top Hat (x7) 1/6/22 - 21/6/22
Silver Cyborg Face Gear (x5) 2/8/22 - 12/8/22
Bombastic Antlers (x10) 13/9/22 - 14/5/23
Silverthorn antlers (x14) 8/11/22 - 16/5/23
Aqua Fabergé Egg of Never-ending Winter (x200) 7/1/23 - Present
Skeleton King’s Face Mask (x3) 17/1/23-Present
Legend of the four winds (x4) 5/3/23 - 30/4/23