Listening on Port 80? (Roblox Server Proxy)

So I recently was following the directions to this Github and I got it to listen to Port 80:


I was wondering what the next step I would take. I’m really new to creating server proxies so I was wondering what would I need to do next. I am currently working on creating a Server List for a certain Place Instance, but I’m a bit confused as to how I would implement it with what I created.

Link that I’m trying to Decode with:


I’m reading through and it tells me this:

So would this mean I would be able to decode things now?

You dont need to selfhost it, unless you would like to have your own version of it, with separate ratelimits.

Simply HTTP GET to, or wherever you are selfhosting rprxy. Then use JSONDecode with HTTPService.

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Yeah i was wondering because it times out from time to time, so should i refresh or check and place it in a while loop?