Little thing I worked on this morning/afternoon

I think it’s pretty neat. :sweat_smile:


UI seems a little too invasive for the screen.
Pretty nice though!

Try making the Cross Hair Thinner, as of now it seems too thick

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I think its perfectly fine, thanks for the feedback buddy

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I think it’s just the right size for the screen, but thanks for the feedback though :joy:

Also you should try to make it activate on the server to the client so people can’t use it to aimbot randomly idk

Id have to use a remoteFunction for that because, you can’t set the current camera on the server and that’s prone to exploitation… at least think before you reply

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Uhh i didn’t mean a remotefunction and I know you cant set the camera on the server I meant something else about security.

yeah this is something I just made quickly in like 1 minute, so it was for fun

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Oh well, it is a pretty nice project anyways.

Thanks, glad you think that buddy! :joy: