Hey ya’ll, it’s been a bit. Since the Filler Games group appears to be at a stand still right now, I think I should give a bit of an update on what’s been going on behind the scenes.
What’s been happening?
During the almost one year gap of inactivity, I’ve been working on a lot of projects outside of Roblox and a few on it as well. Outside of Roblox I’ve been working on Discord Bots, websites, and other experimental projects such as messing with Databases, etc. I have a few projects that are open source which you can find here.
On Roblox, I’ve been working with Runn Studios on a few projects. Some of which were cancelled. I’ve also been working with Rats United Gamenights to develop and host gamenights for the Rats United group. At the time of writing this, we’ve been working on a project that will not be a gamenight for Rats United and will be an actual game. A group rename is also planned for the group.
Is anything being worked on for Filler Games?
Yes. I’ve actually recently been working on a platformer. This project came after 3 other cancelled projects. I’m putting a lot of work into this platformer. Here’s some footage of the completed movement system:
What will the future of Filler Games look like?
At the moment, I’m not really sure. For now, I just hope to release this platformer, and possibly get some more developers to work with me. That’s all I can really think of.
That’s what’s been happening. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via my socials or through my DMs on the Developer Forum.