Live Animation Editor not working

Hi, I hope this is the best place to post this issue but I was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same?

Previously I have uploaded videos to the live animation editor to produce an animation, however, a few hours ago I am not being showed an error.

“Video processing failed: We encountered an error. Please try again in a bit, and if you continue to see this error, you may need to try a new video.”

This error is printing for all new animations I try to create using the live animation editor but it also prints for videos I have used to upload animations before. (It is definitely not an issue with the video file, as I have once again tried to upload videos that it has previously successfully made animations from).

This issue has been happening for around 5 hours and I am wondering if anyone is/has experienced the same? I have attempted to reload studio, my PC and also enable/disable the feature again and nothing has helped to fix it.


This issue is still occurring 24hrs later, a friend is also experiencing this same issue.