Can you also delete objects in the explorer in real time?
No, I didn’t intend on this being a replacement for most studio actions
That’s outside the scope of this project.
Maybe one day I’ll extend this to add more studio-like support for manipulating instances beyond changing their properties, but that’s a much larger project
Fetched latest API dump for In-Game explorer - Server - InGameExplorer:38
AllowHTTPS is enabled, not the starter game though
(nevermind i was stupid)
Its basically a better Dex.
Since Dex is not maintained anymore.
Unsure if anyone else has mentioned this bug, but unable to view/edit any UI object properties (UIPadding/UICorner/etc)
I was about to give up and make this from scratch, thanks it’s amazing
I love the concept of this and I have been meaning to add this to my team’s game but I am struggling to do so because there’s not a Wally release and my team uses Rojo for our codebase. If this was supported through Wally I would immediately implement this into the game.
– Permission How To Use –
return function(player)
return player.UserId > 1
That gives permission to everyone.
Everyone but not owner of roblox.
As if you’re worried the owner of Roblox will join your game and view your explorer as if they didn’t have their own tools for that.
A better way to give everyone access is just to return true or check if they are the private server owner or are friends with the private server owner
thinks on using iris code to implement this
Attributes and CollectionService Tags are already in roblox explorer lol.
Just recreate roblox studio tools inside this and maybe this’ll be the most used resource of all time lol. (sounds hard)
that’d be such a cool idea, deleting things and copying, just like the real studio!
Just updated this tool with double-click support for expanding windows and some small fixes
This is awesome!
One request though, is to be able to view game explorers of other clients in the server. Immediate use case would be to remote-debug mobile devices that may be having performance issues.
Yeah, someone might just use exploits and hide their workspace easily.
But yeah, for testing it’d be nice!
really cool resource, possibly allowing to view and edit script source would be cool if possible?
I’ll see if I can add this soon when I get the free time
An interesting feature to consider could be ‘freezing’ the explorer through a keybind. Some objects may be very short-lived, and it can become hard to inspect their properties in time.
adding on to this, I think maybe there can be a History tab instead? You might not be able to pause it in time to see the Instance but with a history tab you would, um just make sure to add a search bar with filter
@tyridge77 amazing resource! would you be able to add a search feature with filters? just like Roblox Studio’s Explorer