Live-Game Explorer[V3.3]

That seemed to be an unrelated bug caused by some enumitems not having an enumtype :thinking: (font)
Added a check for that, so editing Text should be possible now

note - this means editing font is not supported since that’s a fancier enum and I’ll have to add support for that another time

Let me know if there are any other issues you encounter

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It’s better to do this because User IDs can’t change unlike usernames, His name was “CertifiedJerkFace123” but is now “Beloathed”

Very nice idea. I definitely will be using this in my games.

All the ResetOnSpawn properties on all screenguis is set to false. It still disappears on respawn

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This is a great resource that I have a lot of use cases for. The only problem is that the system doesn’t work again on respawn. It would be amazing if that bug could be resolved so I could use this in my experiences more effectively. Thanks!

This is absolutely incredible!

One of the biggest pain points for me as a dev is querying a live server’s game state. The only way to do this currently is to painstakingly iterate with code in the developer console, and that’s assuming you know the working path of whatever you’re doing by memory! Otherwise, you’ll also have to enumerate too.

Having a GUI reimplementation of the Roblox Explorer & Properties panels will drastically speed up this process!


Awesome stuff, bro. Great job!

Amazing resource. Thanks a ton for making it!

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Is theres a way to destroy/remove instances?

Hopefully this was fixed with this latest update

Just added:

  • Respawn fix
  • Fixed color picker sometimes causing crashes
  • Models/Parts now have a blue highlight on the client-view when you select them

been needing this for a long time thank you

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I have some ideas for this explorer:

  • Create Instances, this includes every classname possible.
  • Execute functions like :Destroy() with the ability to assign arguments
  • Shortcuts for duplicating, copying, cutting, destroying, pasting, (maybe creating).
  • Being able to see more services ingame (maybe modify explorer from explorer?).
  • Maybe a toggle for opening explorer gui in the topbar and moving the gui.
this would look good with freecam now I’m thinking
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That’s basically recreating studio in-game, and while that does sound like a cool idea, that’s kind of outside the scope of this project

Things like moving the gui and button toggles I intentionally didn’t implement since they’re fairly easy for developers to hook up themselves for more control

maybe adding an API documentation or something so developers’re able to understand what they are editing to the explorer then? (and autoupdate?)

Appreciate the suggestion but creating descriptions for every property sounds like a waste of time and space , developers can just read the dev hub and most people using this tool will know what properties do

Properties do auto update so not sure what you mean there

Pretty sure they meant adding documentation within the explorer itself rather than instance properties, since there are practically no comments inside your explorer; same with the AutoUpdate; making it possible to require() instead of having to re-download the explorer.

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I download mods outside of roblox all the time, so is it really difficult to just re-download this after 1 month or some time has passed for updates?

Amazing stuff! I wanted to make one for myself for so long and I am glad you released this. This will help massively in productivity, and even help developers find memory leaks and such

…what they are editing in the explorer scripts I meant*
an API to edit the explorer the way you want

So, is this safe to use? Because it says i have to turn on http requests which roblox says my experience could be open to third-party attacks.