"Live on YouTube" Notification In-Game

How would I go about notifying players when I am live in YouTube? I am beginning to stream update development, and I am no fan of HttpService. I’ll get there one day.

As most of you know, many have achieved a live on Twitch notification in-game. I’d like to do that, just with YouTube.

I’ve looked at some for Twitch, but they don’t serve any use to me for YouTube. Anybody have an idea on what I could do?


If there was some sort of web API to see if a channel is streaming, this would be fairly easy, but I can’t find one atm.

By web API, I mean something like this example: Http:GetAsync("https://api.youtube.com/channel/islive").

This should be helpful: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started

Based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32454238/how-to-check-if-youtube-channel-is-streaming-live, it would just be a matter of checking the API every 60 seconds or so.

There’s a PHP code example in one of the answers, which showcases the API link needed:


I’m still trying to get the “items” table to show up. I only get this:

Can you post the link you’re using (except for the API key)


and did you try doing it while you were streaming?

Yes. Also, the YT Api V3 thing showed that it was getting requests.