Live Scripting Beta

Finally. I always hated the drafts system. This is something we wanted for a long time, we used alternatives such as Atom with teletype.


Although I wouldnā€™t consider myself part of the target market for this feature (my teamsā€™ workflows requires us to be able to work locally with the only sort of live representation coming from commits submitted to remotes and I just generally never use the Script Editor except in rare circumstance due to Actors), the technology behind this is cool. It brings a whole new level of innovation to the editor and is great for mentoring/supervision purposes for projects without too much third party tooling so you can jump in right away and help for anyone requesting.


deprecated wait in the gif is crazy

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When you get mad that you lost your whole script because you couldnā€™t see what someone was doing, and they ruined it on accident then 5 secs later this comes out :man_facepalming:


So cool! It reminds me of Google Docs!


Wow well trolling is gonna be terrible with this, cant wait to see what people do with this

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Cant you just do CTRL + Z and undo it? I mean yeah it would still mess it up tho

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A lot of stuff under Plugin isnā€™t properly typed (the plugin global itself isnā€™t typed as Plugin), but for example, CreateToolbar doesnā€™t return the type PluginToolbar, it returns any


i cant see why this would be useful. some people only do variables with caps, _, etc, people dont do everything exactly the same, itā€™ll only result in chaos,

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hunt them down.


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Hello, just here to report a POSSIBLE enormous bug.

It seems like I just recently lost everything that had Archivable set to false in my workspace. The only thing that changed that I can remember was turning on EditorLiveScripting. I tried reverting it to the default and re-opening studio, but it didnā€™t fix it.

No idea what caused this, but I think it would be a good idea to look into whether this is possible or not.

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Hi @RogueMage, setting Archivable to false means you donā€™t want to save the workspace, which would result in the entire game being unsaved. Why do you want to set it to false?


nahhh thatā€™s straight up down bad
itā€™s code makes me want to cry


This is an amazing improvement. Iā€™ve been teaching a few of my friends programming through Roblox development, and now I wonā€™t have to teach them Rojo and VSCode at the same time if I want to collaborate in real-time. This was also the kind of stuff that was really helpful for me when I was first learning to code, so it will be extremely valuable for people learning/teaching Roblox development!


Does it show the teammateā€™s selection?


Being able to watch people code, or show them existing code, without having to screen share, will be huge.


itā€™s useful for when people are trying to work together and do end up doing things the same, they donā€™t have to yell at eachother or wait and take turns to edit the script. Which speeds up development and makes everything a whole lot easier when it comes to collaborative scripting.


Oh my gosh, I really like this update. I thought it was similar to the Visual Studio Live Share plugin. Anyway, I think it can write a script very efficiently.


I assume that this system is using operational transforms (OT) and possibly CRDT to enable an optimistic concurrency model for live editing. Itā€™s a fascinating approach, but I have concerns regarding its implementation as it is very hard to get right. When I tried earlier with a couple of people, the latency was unbearable when there were 4+ people editing the script and I am wondering whether that is going to be addressed in the near future.

I have used live code editing before outside of Roblox and I firmly believe that it has a lot of issues in general. For example when client A is editing something while client B is working on a transitive part of the codebase. These cause undefined behaviour from the interaction of the clients separate edits when running the code. This makes the debugging less cohesive and hard to follow. More complicated cases like putting an undo operation in an invalid document state. Having a clean action history makes for a more predictable and controlled environment. Which was less of an issue when you had people editing in lockstep. The old behaviour is preserved in drafts mode, but drafts has its own set of problems.

In hindsight, I realise that this is just a rendition of what @TheNexusAvenger said

Thereā€™s been many testimonies from the community that we donā€™t really care for a cloud-based editing software, so I donā€™t see the charm of this over using proper version/revision control systems like git. To Robloxā€™s credit, thereā€™s ongoing progress to support external tooling, however I believe there have been a lot of time and effort allocated at the wrong places.