Live Scripting Beta

Looks like this change is on by default on one of my places in my experience an off on the other, doesn’t seem like expected behaviour. I also noticed that when it’s on, the script no longer lets me know when there are changes made to it with a *, a feature I considered pretty useful. Also I find it pretty annoying how I can’t just disable it at all the places I own or enable it for all the places I own as it’s also a workflow kind of thing and not just place exclusive (I can understand that it can be if you’re working with someone in a specific experience or place)

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Very cool, I loved the update, it’s good that we finished the top script faster, thank you

when will yall add this simple feature: Press Enter when saving animations/models to your inventory.


please give us the option to mute these output messages

they’re really unhelpful and it’s the visual equivalent of jumping in a pool and seeing a ‘floor is wet’ sign at the bottom


Script I spent some time rewriting got wiped hack to print("Hello world!"). ??? All the stuff I’ve done in the past 3 hours has been rolled back mysteriously…

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Hi @fiddlyfishsticks,

Could you check the script version history of the script you were editing? You should be able to track what happened in the past 3 hours from the history, which is updated whenever an auto-save occurs.

Amazing update, would definitely be useful for gamejams or just game development in general!
If only i had friends to test this with…

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Definitely is gonna help me get things faster with others, thanks!

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how do i disable it the message is annoying

Hi @otterryy, for the message in output widget, we will remove it in next release. Sorry for the inconvenience.


bit buggy when a line exceeds screen borders


This was already for long time by me

And if I change for example to script.parent.main and I type m and select main I get script Parent.mainenu

Hi @foodeggs7

We changed the default “enter” behavior for auto complete since earlier version. You can still get “replace” behavior by pressing Tab. See Release Notes for 598 | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Thanks for reporting! We’d like to gather more information to identify the source of this issue. Here are a few questions:

  1. Have you enabled any beta features aside from LiveScripting?
  2. Is it easy to reproduce this issue? What’s the steps?
  3. Would you be willing to share your script through DM?
  4. Are you using Windows or Mac?

Thanks for helping us improve the platform!

I believe I have all beta features enabled, and it was produced by me and a friend typing on the same line until it exceeded screen borders. I am on windows and I don’t get how sending my script would help.

Hi @RegulatedDev,

Thanks for sharing the steps! Would you disable AI Coding beta feature and see you can still see this issue?

Hi there,
Sorry for bumping this post, but I am often getting the ‘unstable connection’ pop up despite my connection being fine for other games (outside and inside of Roblox, it just seems like my studio connectivity is really horrible at times.) My team has also been experiencing this issue.
Is there any way I can troubleshoot this and send data over to the team for check up?
(Incoming Replication Lag is set to 0)

You are not alone… so it has to be on the Roblox side (unaware/untold).
I also have been seeing it for the last month (more or less), never before.

The “instability” for me last a few secs then gone, but very annoying indeed.

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How big is the script you’re editing when you see this message?

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For me, as I’m not a scripter (yet), my (assisted) scripts will be max 30-50 lines.