Live Scripting Beta


no more extra effort to press a commit button. once time that invasive update erased my whole script and the script recovery window was empty

previously, I used to clone the scripts to make my own edits and then compare with other’s to adapt the changes, but this feature is a godsend. thanks!

  1. It’s builtin and official.
  2. Rojo requires a setup, this doesn’t.
  3. You don’t need to download external software.

Not everybody uses Rojo. :sob:


I completely love this update. However, at the final line of a script when one user is writing on that end line, and another user would like to click Enter to make a new line, both users will be moved down to the next line due to the Enter key being clicked. Please change it so that only the user who clicked Enter will move down, and not drag the other along with them. Thanks!

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Hmm, this seems to be a great update. However, I am currently unable to use it for some reason. I am not sure if it has not been rolled out to me yet or if there is some other issue. Is this a bug, or do I just need to wait patiently for more time? :sweat_smile:

Hi @MrRamyg, please make sure the Collaborative Editing (a.k.a. Draft) mode is turned off in the game settings. It’s available for everyone as long as you toggle EditorLiveScripting to Enabled.

@OfficialAnarchic Thanks for the feedback! Will update soon :slightly_smiling_face:

W UPDATE! This is going to be so good to use in team create

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Rojo is built for a different model: asynchronous collaboration – when users edit locally in their own editor, commit to their source control systems, merge the code there, then retrieve the merged product to test / continue to work on.

Live scripting is more of a synchronous model where users can work on the same place together.

Both models have their benefits and drawbacks, we’re trying to work toward a state when everybody can create the way they like, so we appreciate all feedback.


We’re looking at a way to make this happen, though there is nothing definite yet. One of the difficulties is that currently Drafts are sitting on the local disk.

Ideally we end up with a world where people don’t have to choose or turn switches, and it “just works”.


@Quenty and I, and @litozinnamon and I can be very effective when pair programming with the same keyboard; one knows the API, the other knows the algorithm to be implemented.

This is a feature, I assume, intended for pairs of people who are synced up and working on something together where neither could effectively accomplish the thing alone.

I’m a big fan!


Is the ultimate goal to, instead of an individual owning a branch, the branches exist on the cloud, and can be live edited?

A smoother version of: cloning the game into a different place, where the relevant people collaborate and live edit, and then someone takes the initiative to merge the changes back into the main branch.


The ultimate goal is to provide the tools that work for a given workflow… Branch + merge is a well tested, well understood workflow by many (git & friends); same with Live Editing (google docs & similar).

The two together? Not done yet. What you’re suggesting is an option, a lot hinges on the details.

Currently the workflow of multiple people work on the same side branch then a responsible (release) engineer merges it to a main work stream from time to time is a little bit painful for quick iteration withe the extra branch and merge steps.

For that to work for Roblox, we’ll need a sensible branch and merge workflow and as you can imagine it’s not trivial with the current place model.


This is a great update <3
Thank you Roblox

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It should be set to disabled by default, or you can have an option for when you make a game it’s automatically enabled.

This is bloody awesome! Thank you so much for this feature, I can’t wait to use it!

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This is such a good update BIG :+1: for me

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Rojo is better for teams and automation. You should be using Rojo if you ever had made a game.

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Awesome update, thanks for giving us something so useful!


Rojo is better for some teams. You only should use if if it makes sense for your workflow.

The only collabrative projects I work on are typically teams of 2, where I am funcitoning as the expert and a friend is wanting to learn through doing. Git style collaboration is useless for us, in-fact it is worse then them sharing their screen to me while we work independently and I look over when they need help. Live editting is a perfect example of an improvement to my use-case. I am able to concurrently work on the same script, and when they need help I can make changes in realtime to fix code, or to place suggestions and psudocode into their code to help guide them.

The only times I have ever had use of version control was when I was working on a project in which my work and my partners were seperated by the fact they were doing backend web development and I was doing front-end app development (this obviously being outside the scope of Roblox), and the only reason version control ended up being useful here is that it allowed an easy way for me to send them the updated code as I could commit my changes as I went, and then push when I believed I had the new features in and bug-fixed, allowing them to then pull when ready and deploy on their server.

Assuming teams should be using Rojo ignores the needs of diverse teams. There is no single solution workflow for development.


Quite interesting, although the coordination might get a bit chaotic.

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