Live Server Editing

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to monitor or view servers that are in progress from a studio side of things without something along the lines of Online Studio, which is heavily outdated and doesn’t allow you to see outputs and scripts.
Currently in Studio, you can go to the Test section, and hit “Local Server” followed by an amount of players you want to test with and then hit the play button.


After doing so your monitors will look something like this:

So as you can see, on my two side monitors are the testing “player” views, and in the middle has something titled “Server”. Within the server window I’m able to view and execute scripts, view the game in action with live players, edit player’s statistics, and find problems within the game you’re unable to in normal play mode.

My proposition is to add this “Server” option to all live servers and not just studio LAN test servers.
For example if a player finds a major bug in my game, I’d have to join their game, find the player, and then attempt to understand what the bug is; I can instead find their server and edit it to both view the issue, and find a possible solution (for this server only) and then go to the main studio file and solve the problem for all the updated servers.
This could prove useful to fix player’s stats that were wiped after a datastore error or something along those lines.
Example of how you could access this feature


Bugs can be very hard to reproduce in a mockup environment such as studio, but then sometimes end up appearing in live servers are essentially impossible to debug without jumping through a lot of hurdles. The developer console only provides error logs for scripts that are actively running (and those that are archived are only logged if they error on the client side of the game); it really does not suffice for bug fixing.
For example:

If there’s a memory leak in a certain game, it could potentially be caused by instances building up. In studio it would be easy to look at the explorer and see multiple instances that shouldn’t be running at the time. This information is not available within a server, so identifying the cause of the memory leak is much harder to identify. There may also be an edge case that can’t be reproduced in studio, yet in game something is set as a parent to the wrong instance and triggers an attempt to index nil value error. There’s no way to determine whether that object is bring destroyed, parented incorrectly, or any other issues without having direct access to view the explorer.

If an object is behaving oddly in game, it could be the result of a property being set to the wrong value. Occasionally these can be caught in studio, but if it’s an edge case, happens after a long period of time, or only occurs with a real player playing the game, it would be extremely difficult to track down with the developer console as there’s limited abilities within it. To use the console to find an issue like this you would be required to manually print every property for each and every object that could possibly be the problem; clearly this would be a problem if you’re skeptical if there’s a lot of objects in your studio file. The properties window would allow you to instantly see the object’s current state.

Script Performance
In studio, you’re able to view which scripts are using a lot of resources. If an in game issue is encountered that is impossible to reproduce in studio, it wouldn’t be possible to figure out which scripts are causing the problem. This wouldn’t be a problem if you could view the script performance tab.

If an error is found in game, the developer would have to manually type each character of the error if they require assistance finding out what the problem is, whereas if the output window was accessible they could just copy it. The output also allows for you to jump to which line in a script is causing the error, whereas without it you would have to navigate to it in a separate studio instance if you’re debugging errors displayed in the developer console

Script Analysis
If you’d like to find general errors in a live version of your game, you would be quite out of luck doing so without access to the script analysis tab. You would be able to quickly identify errors and find other warnings within scripts that could potentially lead to other problems if not fixed.


Bump, this feature would be useful to have for bug fixing.


This would be a great feature, especially when trying to debug things.


just rq cuz i haven’t seen any mention of it but i was wondering is there a way to emulate more than one server in testing mode? i.e. player1 is in server 1 player 2 is in server 1 and plr 3 is in server2.


an example would be i want player 1 to buy a global nuke [player 1 and 2 are in server 1 and player 3 is in server 2] player 1 launches nuke, player 1 an 2 witness a nuke launch and subsequently die. meanwhile at the exact same time (in roblox STUDIO TESTING) player 3 witnesses and dies from nuke.

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i think you can just start a new server or just open another studio window

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i dont know if it will work let me see

no for 2 reasons: you cant edit a game twice using the same acc and you cant use an alt bc Youd have to log out which closes all instances of studio…
and even if it did work i think its highly unlikely that the separate servers would communicate like global ones

so far cant find any way to do it :/

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Support. Would love to have something like this for debugging, even just an explorer window would be really useful. Of course some people already use Dex for this purpose, but I wouldnt want to take any chances, something like that but built in would be really desirable.

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ikr! unfortunately I’m not a regular so i cant make a topic under feat req. im hoping some who is a reg will see this/ think of it themselves to get this submitted.
as for now i can make a petition!



  • yes, its a good idea and i would definitely use this feature.
  • yes, though i would use this feature rarely.
  • yes, though i might never use this feature.
  • No, I don’t see this as an important feature
  • No, I can see the use but I don’t think it’s that important
  • No, [personal reason]

0 voters

poll Re-opened temporarily.

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Turn off Collaborative Editing & Team Create.

why? then only id be able to access my game.

@loganj2010 why? what would that do to help?

I’m pretty sure it would allow you to access the same game twice


all right ill try it tmrw and tell u if it worked, thanks.

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ok sry @loganj2010 im back i went offline for a bit but ima try it now, hope it worx

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Hello everyone, Is this subject still open?

hi! sry i had turned off notifications on this channel, is there any help you need?


I discovered this forum a few years ago and I wonder if there would be a way to run roblox studio but in live monitoring mode?

And also to host his own game server on linux.

If you have seen a forum explaining “how to host a game server on linux?”.

It will be great for me and for others.


by live monitoring you mean like in a public server? (i dont know what linux is lol)