Hello, I am doing a subscriber count, but it doesn’t work, the output tells me: HTTP 403 (Forbidden), and I don’t know how to fix it. Does anyone have a solution?
local hs = game:GetService("HttpService")
local channelID = "UCZNmQXzzzNW9FIDFaN27U4w" -- channel id
while true do wait(5)
local response = hs:GetAsync("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=statistics&id=" .. channelID .. "&key=AIzaSyArYjEl7JITyj231BnBPja71ArDGf7dWFk") -- error
local data = hs:JSONDecode(response)
script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Amount.Text = tostring(data.items[1].statistics.subscriberCount)
script.Parent.Total.Value = tostring(data.items[1].statistics.subscriberCount)